Kerry likes to rhyme and stuff, and then write them all on here for the world to see, it makes her happy like this: :-) Leave a comment and let her know what you think and she'll be like this: :-D Unless you're nasty about her, and then she'll be like this: :-(
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
For the haters ;) Baa Baa Black Sheep!

Vanessa's Poem!
Vanessa's a funny one cuz she's so quiet
But inside her brain she's having a riot
She's lovely and sweet and shy and kind
She says the funniest things when she speaks her mind
On a night out looking through Auto Trader
Like she only came out cuz everyone made her
But she'll never let you down, she'll always come out, without a doubt
Birthdays, Christmas, Leaving do's
She'll share both the good and the bad news
We all love Vanessa and it's no surprise
There's no comparison to her smokey eyes!
By Kerry and Ella!
Nikki's Poem!
Little Nikki put her in your pocket, pocket
She's tiny but she knows how to rock it, rock it
She's got the boobs, she's got the ass, body like an hourglass, guys check her out whenever they pass
All that hair, evil stare, say's what she wants and she don't care
10 inch heels, that's how we roll
Almost as glamourous as Cheryl Cole
Without Ash, she don't need that trash, Nikki's hubby's on her like a rash
She's his princess, she's his queen, got this love that she saw in a dream
Like somethin off screen, in a movie, or maybe TV, comin at ya soon even in HD, we give you Nikki!
Friday, 22 October 2010
Kiz's Poem!
Cheesy chatup lines Kiz knows them all
"Call a girl babylotion and to your feet she'll fall"
Babylotion? Babylotion? What's all this?
I'd think anyone saying that was taking the piss
Now he's grown up, he's got a wife and he's a dad
He's passing on the tricks that he thinks he once had
Struts around the salon with his long flopping hair
"I buy hairbands from Claire's and I don't even care"
He goes into his little room and does his sales pitch
His smooth talkin lines I'm sure will one day make him rich
He'll move into a mansion, far, far away
No longer seeing me jog past his house day after day
Tasha's Poem!
If you've got it flaunt it that's the sayin, Tasha's workin that, they're the rules she's layin
She's doin it right alright, short skirt pretty tight, high heels all night, till the sun comes up and the sky is light
Drunk text, drunk call, we've had them all
Our sheep get deep and attention we reap
Fire! Fire! In the loo's, forget the fire where's the booze?
The boys are tryin, we send 'em home cryin,"Bab I'd rather have a chicken burger, I'm not even lyin"
Put her on page 3 let her pose, lose the clothes, everyone knows, she's an English rose
Natural beauty, with a duty, to be showin off her booty
Look but don't touch cuz this is my wife, gonna guard her with my life
No man's gettin past me, let me look through your love CV
If you pass this test and all the rest you get the crown, the chance to date Miss Aston-Brown!
Aysha's Poem!
This girl here she's the shot queen
Anyone who knows her will know who I mean
She can't go to the bar without getting a few
And if you don't want them she'll force them down you
She's also a wino, a bit of Blossom Hill
When you're out with Aysha that's pretty much the drill
Back in the day with me, Tracy and Tash
A hard day at work and then out on the lash
She's a hot little bellydancer doin her thing
A shake and a shimmy with her belt jingeling
Shaky shaky, jingle jingle
When she moves like that she'll never be single
Not that she would cuz she's got her Pritty
The one that used to work at B in the City
I've known them both since the start of our careers
And I'll tell you something the world needs more Aysha Miahs!
Ella's Cheesy Theme Tune!
Cheese on toast or cheese on bread
I have it in the morning and I have it before bed
Cheese and beans or cheese and ham
I eat it with my friends and I eat it with my fam
Stilton, Cheddar, Dairylea
I'm not sharing, it's all for me
You can get it in a block but I prefer a loaf
If I'm feelin greedy, I'll have both
I don't need nothing when I've got cheese
"Do you want some Ella?" Oh yes please!!
Sam's Poem!
If I had a book of 'blonde sayings' she'd be the bonus feature
You'd never ever think that she was training to be a teacher
In 10 years time when you've got kids and you're sending them to school
Miss Moore will be the one to blame when your child ends up a fool
I've known this girl forever, since we we're like 5
We're 20 now so that's 3/4's of the time we've been alive
There have been moments in these years when we haven't even spoke
But looking back I wonder why cuz she always gives me joke
There's too many memories in my mind to put them all here
But my favourite one is that something drips whenever Sam is near!
She's been called my sister what a compliment but she looks nothing like me
She only wishes that she could, she would be so lucky!
I lub sam like a fat kid loves cake
And I can't wait for another 20 years of memories to make!
Gavin's Poem!
Wednesday Crew big it up, big it up
Gaytown Crew livin it up, livin it up
You what, you what
In Vivienne Westwood he's lookin hot, lookin hot
HDD you aint seen what we do
Britain's Got Talent next year we're going through
He's got the brains, I've got the beauty
He choreographs while I shake my booty
I'll sing his praises time after time
Any where any way cuz he sings mine
He's all inked up, pierced to the max
I think thats his way of how to relax
Cuz he's pretty easy-going but his head gets a stress
His way or the highway he dont take no less
Punchin walls, goin home
His eyes see red and his mouth starts to foam
You tell him you love him and you'll go where-ever
His face lights up, did that just happen? Never!
So this is him, this is Gavin
He's a friend you're all worth havin!
Carl Hildick's Poem!
Jack and Carl went up the hill to fetch a pail of water
Jill sat home and had a moan, waiting to see what Jack had brought her
When Jack came down she had a frown, cuz water there was none
Jack said "Jill you're a nag" packed his bag and with that he was gone
He got on a plane with Carl again and off they flew to Oz
Jill never heard another word, he didnt even say "soz"
She'd got confused, she had been used, she thought Carl was Jack's chum
But when she found out his last name she realised Carl likes bum!
Paige's Poem!
That one with the Dell phone bigger than her face
Scrubbin at the toilets, scrubba-dub-dubba
The baby of the lot but we all gotta love her
We thought you were a shy girl, silent, shush
But you come and had a try girl, when that blondie got the push
You came out of your shell and out of hibernation
Dyed your hair red, look at Miss Sophistication
One of the girls now, one of the team
Mixin with the best, oh just livin out the dream!
Louisa's poem!
When she doesn't wear them she think's she looks a knob
But she's got wicked hair, the face and body to match
Tall, slim, long legs, oh she is a catch
Her sense of humour's so dry it needs cocoa butter
She's dripping in sarcasm, she's a right little nutter
Madder than mad but none of it's bad
for the fact that I met her I'm gladder than glad!

Michael's Poem!
This is a poem for our lovely Michael, who's days depend on the moons cycle
Half moon he's happy, full moon he's sad, the days with no moon are the best he's ever had!
Mike oh Mike shall I tell you what he's like
The boys a diva, aint shy about it either, skies the limit, he's an achiever
He'll do your hair and your makeup and then he'll do your nails
If you need cheerin up then Michael never fails
He'll do a little dance, have a little prance, you can tell he's the shit you can tell by his stance
Rockin it up in New ID, rockin it up all "me, me, me!" but wait and see, he's one of the nicest there could be
Apart from me, obviously, he sure is a good'en but I'm the queen bee!
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Ella's Poem!
Take her down the pub for a burger and a beer